Consultation - Lockerbie Parks Project

The Lockerbie Trust has made £500k available for Dumfries & Galloway Council to deliver the Lockerbie Parks Project. Following on from the previous engagement, Dumfries & Galloway Council are keen to seek the views of citizens and community groups on the updated proposal for McJerrow Park and King Edward Park, Lockerbie. The feedback provided previously has been considered and the proposed project has been further updated on that basis.

Your feedback will be included in a publicly available Report to Elected Members in February 2024 for their consideration and decision.  

It may be that the £500k available will not cover the costs of all elements being proposed. However, we are further keen to work with local Community Groups in seeking match funding for elements that cannot be funded with this money, please complete your details at the end of this questionnaire so you can be considered.

We are seeking your feedback on 6 main elements and 3 additional supporting elements for the project.

Please download and fill out the questionnaire and return it to either -

Lockerbie Parks - Engagement Questionnaire >> [PDF - 2MB]

Steven Wylie -

Nicola Simpson -

As part of the engagement, there is an opportunity to come along to the Engagement Event -

When - Lockerbie Town Hall

Where - Monday 4th December 2023

1pm - 7pm

Hawthorn Room

Questionnaires will be available to complete at the event or to take away and return at later date.

Return to Lockerbie Town Hall, Lockerbie Library or send via email to either Nicola Simpson or StevenWylie.

The Engagement will run from Monday 4th December 2023 until Friday 5th January 2024.

Thank you.


Page last updated: 04/12/2023
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