Consultation - Development of Stranraer Waterfront

Dumfries and Galloway Council are developing a number of regeneration projects to develop the waterfront with the aim of repositioning Stranraer and Loch Ryan as a successful marine leisure destination.

Proposals include the Stranraer Marina Expansion Project, Stranraer Water Sports Hub Project and the Solway Coast Marine Pilot Project.


Proposed Use

Project Title

Overview of Project


Extension to Existing Boatyard

Stranraer Marina Expansion

(Highlighted in green on plan)

The project will deliver an expanded marina as a core element in the regeneration of Stranraer Waterfront. The aim of regeneration is to repurpose Stranraer and Loch Ryan as a distinctive and successful marine leisure destination and act as a catalyst that will build momentum for attracting further investment and wider regeneration. A development strategy based upon a 'One Waterfront' principle aligns the marina expansion with the below projects and together these will transform this part of the waterfront by delivering wider benefits that are greater than individual projects could deliver alone.


New Commercial Units


New Coastguard Station


Relocation of Fisherman's Compound


Parking / Drop-off Bays


Pedestrian Footway


RefProposed UseProject TitleOverview of Project


Water Sports Hub

Stranraer Water Sports Hub Project

(Highlighted in blue on plan)

Community-led regeneration project to deliver a purpose-built Water Sports Hub. The Hub will deliver events, training, community activity and regatta facilities. Delivered by Stranraer Water Sports Association, the Hub project aims to build on the success of their Lets Get Wet programme and promote inclusive participation in water sports, skills development and training opportunities. Following the success of hosting Skiffie Worlds in 2019 it is anticipated that the Hub, Stranraer and Loch Ryan will provide a unique and appealing venue for water sports competitions at national, international and global levels.


Extension to Existing Boatyard


Parking / Drop-off Bays


Serviced Motorhome Stances


RefProposed UseProject TitleOverview of Project


Marine Research Facility

Solway Coast and Marine Pilot Project

(Highlighted in red on plan)

The Solway Coast and Marine Pilot Project (SCAMPP for short) is part of the Natural Capital Programme within the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal.

The project will deliver a 'Centre for Excellence' in Stranraer, operating as a marine research facility and a sustainable base for conducting practical habitat restoration work of marine natural capital habitats in the Solway.

Why are we consulting?

These and other investments within the town seek to create employment and training opportunities, provide new leisure and tourism offers and increase footfall, dwell time and spend within the town and deliver a wide range of economic benefits within the local community. In order to deliver these projects, it is proposed that application is made to the Stranraer Common Good Sub Committee to change the use of areas of Common Good Land to permit the construction and delivery of the buildings and other elements detailed above and highlighted on the plan.

It should be noted that this consultation is under the terms of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 and does not refer to a change of use as defined by Town and Country Planning legislation and is therefore separate to the additional need for planning consent.

What is the consultation process?

An 8-week consultation period will take place between 28 July and 22nd September 2023.

We are inviting representations from Community Councils, community bodies and members of the public on this proposal.

Further details of the development proposals can be requested via email: or be viewed at:

Any representations should be clearly headed Development of Stranraer Waterfront and handed into Stranraer Customer Service Centre or by email to

Page last updated: 01/08/2023
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