Lockerbie railway car park information event

Lockerbie railway station on the West Coast Main Railway Line is a key point in the Dumfries and Galloway transport network providing direct links northbound to Glasgow and Edinburgh and southbound to Carlisle/Manchester/London.

Passenger growth on the rail services at Lockerbie led to several parking issues in the town.  SWestrans in partnership with Dumfries and Galloway Council have led the process to identify solutions to alleviate these issues.

Initial works were completed in 2015 with the provision of an additional 41 spaces at a new car park on Well Road, Lockerbie.

There are two more planned phases of works:

  • Phase A at Sydney Place will be another new car park on the east side of the railway which will provide 49 spaces within a short distance of the station.
  • Phase B will involve the reconfiguration of the existing station car park to provide the betterment of an overall more user-friendly car park facility, with improved access/egress and circulation whilst addressing the inappropriate pavement parking issues.

Phase A

This phase comprises of a new car park provision at the Tyrone House, Sydney Place, Lockerbie.

Tyrone House, Sydney Place, Lockerbie, was purchased by the Council in 2020 and planning permission for a 49 car parking spaces development was granted in March 2020. Building demolition works were completed in December 2021. A transport assessment that was carried for this car park confirmed there was adequate capacity within the existing road network and junctions.

The improvement to the pedestrian infrastructure would provide a betterment to the existing railway station users and local residents in accessing the town centre and railway station.

Phase B

This phase comprises a rationalisation and optimisation of the existing car park layout to the north of the Lockerbie railway station buildings.

The optimisation of the existing car park will require the purchase of the Network Rail land that is situated in the middle of the existing car park (as sign posted on site currently by Network Rail). This proposal will assist greatly to simplify the awkward layout of the existing car park and to achieve operational improvement for the railway users as well as when replacement bus services are required to operate at the railway station.

Phase B construction will start only after Phase A is complete and is fully operational.

The design of Phase A and Phase B include the provision of infrastructure for electrical vehicle charging points, together with CCTV cameras on posts which will provide increased pedestrian safety whilst using the car parks.

Public information events

The public were able to find out more about the Lockerbie Car Park proposals at engagement events held by Dumfries and Galloway Council and SWestrans on:

Tuesday 8 August 2023
Lockerbie Railway Station, from 9am to 4pm

Wednesday 9 August 2023
Lockerbie Town Hall, from 10am to 12noon


Feedback on the proposals was received through the events listed above and also via an online form. All feedback has been evaluated and will be considered as the works progress.

Page last updated: 08/11/2023
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