International Workers' Memorial Day

Wednesday 28 April is International Workers' Memorial Day. Dumfries and Galloway Council's senior politicians marked the day by expressing their condolences to friends and families who have lost loved ones as a result of losing their lives in the line of duty. In a joint statement, Council Leader Elaine Murray and Depute Leader, Rob Davidson said:

"Every day loved ones are lost as a result of tragic accidents and many of these involve the workplace in some way, shape or form.  Whether it's through carrying out duties directly, or commuting to or from the workplace, people do, sadly, lose their lives. It is important that we mark today, International Workers' Memorial Day, as a council, not only to express our sadness to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, but also to say thank you to those who continue to work for our wonderful local communities each and every day. As well as this, we would like to record our sincere thank you to all those who work across the region, who will play the most vital of roles in getting this region back on it's feet following the latest Covid-19 lockdown.  This year more than any other we have seen the value of local people and key workers across all sectors across Dumfries and Galloway.
Whatever your job, wherever you work, on behalf of Dumfries and Galloway Council, we wish to commemorate those who have lost their lives whilst carrying out their job and say thanks to all those who keep our amazing region going each and every day."

Page last updated: 27/04/2021
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