Stranraer Harbour Revision Order Consultation


Following Marine Accident Investigation Board reports into incidents at Loch Ryan, recommendations were made for a single authority to manage the safety of vessel movements for the loch. The Loch Ryan Statutory Harbour Authorities Committee (LRSHAC) was established to manage the approaches to the Loch Ryan Port and Port of Cairnryan, which are Statutory Harbour Authorities (SHAs) in their own right. This leaves the southern half of Loch Ryan without a single Statutory Harbour Authority to manage the area.

Dumfries and Galloway Council are proposing to establish a single Statutory Harbour Authority for the southern half of Loch Ryan. It is proposed this SHA will revoke the current Stena SHA originally placed to manage ferry traffic to Stranraer's East Pier and empower General Directions that will allow the management of the safe movement of all vessels to and from Stranraer and throughout the whole southern half of the loch, in accordance with an Open Port Policy.

The proposed General Directions are also promoted for consultation, in parallel to the HRO consultation. The General Directions take into account the Navigation Risk Assessment and are designed to promote both commercial and leisure activity of all types, by creating easily defined zones that separate non compatible activities.

Pre application Consultation

The Dumfries and Galloway Council (DGC) Stranraer Harbour Revision Order (HRO) consultation will be conducted in accordance with Transport Scotland guidance and the Community Participation and Engagement Strategy. The initial period of pre-application consultation will be between 7 February and 31 March 2023.

This pre-application consultation will include sight of the draft HRO, the purpose and effect document for the powers requested and draft General Directions to demonstrate how the navigational risks within the proposed harbour area will be managed and mitigated.

The documentation will be placed on the DGC Stranraer Harbour webpage.

Compulsory consultees will be contacted by e-mail, with said documentation attached, inviting feedback by e-mail and also provision for a Microsoft Teams meeting to discuss the HRO in more detail if the consultee so desires.

Transport Scotland Compulsory Consultees include:

The pre-application consultation will be publicised by e-mail to harbour users, local communities and neighbours and feedback invited via the harbour e-mail address

Interested parties will also be invited to a face-to-face drop-in session on 30 March 2023 between 15:00 and 19:00 at Stranraer Harbour Office to discuss the HRO and give input.

Harbour users, local communities and neighbours include:

  • Loch Ryan Port
  • Port of Cairnryan
  • Loch Ryan Oyster Fishery
  • West Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group
  • Stranraer Water Sports Association
  • RNLI Stranraer & Portpatrick
  • HMCG
  • Berth holders
  • Stranraer Ochtrelure and Belmont Community Council, Kirkcolm Community Council, Cairnryan Community Councils, Leswalt Community Association.
  • SMART (Stranraer Moving and Revitalising Taskforce)
  • Harbour users

Formal consultation

The Formal 42 day Consultation commences 19 January 2024.

Page last updated: 18/01/2024
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