Wigtownshire Educational Trust
The Wigtownshire Educational Trust provides financial assistance to residents in the Wigtownshire area that are either attending or looking to attend educational activities.
Educational activities can include:
- attending a course
- obtaining a qualification
- obtaining practical experience in a trade
- supporting educational clubs
- supporting education in the arts
Financial assistance may also be available for travel or equipment expenses that arise with educational activities.
A maximum of £300 per year has been awarded previously but this may change each year.
Award criteria
Awards may only be granted to individuals who:
- are resident in Wigtownshire
- have no other sources of funding
- receive unemployment and or disability benefit
The trust is open to applicants from the start of January each year. Application forms must be received before the end of December.
The trust holds meetings every 4 months. Applicants will be informed of their success after quarterly meetings have taken place.
Payments can be made by cheque or directly into a bank account.
Further information
- Email committeeadmin-communitiesdirectorate@dumgal.gov.uk
- Call 01776 888423
- Write to Business Support, Council Offices, Sun Street, Stranraer, DG9 7JJ