People Strategy

Our People Strategy sets out the outcomes of how we want to engage and develop or workforce, outlining key priorities and drivers through to 2026.

Our People Strategy sets out our ambition to be a great employer, where we can do our jobs well and make a difference to the people of Dumfries and Galloway. We have engaged and listened to understand what being a great employer means to us, and this is included in our People Strategy.

The strategy was approved by Economy and Resources Committee in November 2021.


We want to strive for excellence now, and in the future, and we can only do this with the right people on this journey with us. That is why we set out to create our People Strategy. The way our people work and behave is fundamental to how our communities, and others view Dumfries and Galloway Council. It has a direct impact on the services we provide, both to our external customers and to ourselves as internal customers. The People Strategy sets out our commitments to enable our values as a council. 

Our core behaviours through our SUPPORT we will work together so we all thrive and flourish:

Strengthen - our Communities

Understand - our children's needs

Protect - our vulnerable people

Promote - equality and diversity

Open and transparent - at all times

Respect - our environment

Treat - each other with kindness

Six outcomes are included in the People Strategy to support our ambition:

1. Providing a positive experience

2. Developing our people

3. Engaging our people

4. Supporting our people

5. Recognising good performance

6. Creating a positive one team culture

Our new People Strategy is essential in making sure we can deliver our Council Plan and our Priorities.

Call 030 33 33 3000 to speak to our Human Resources or Organisational Development Managers if you'd like to find out more.

Page last updated: 14/06/2023
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