Planning and Building Update

Find out more about the changes to the Planning and Buildings Standards Service.

Career Opportunities in Development Management Roles Available at Various Levels

We are currently recruiting for career minded Planners to join our Development Management teams.

Due to growth in application numbers and development pressures, we require both experienced and newly/part-qualified planning professionals to deliver high quality Development Management services for our customers. If you are looking for a variety of caseload challenges ranging from major windfarms to Conservation Areas, rural development and town centre regeneration, then this could be the perfect place for your next step.

These are vibrant times in the beautiful South of Scotland. The Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, UK Government Levelling Up Funds, South of Scotland Enterprise, and Scottish Government Regeneration and Affordable Housing Funds are attracting significant investment and interest to our region.

To ensure that our Planning Team plays its part in supporting sustainable growth and our rich natural and built environment, we have restructured our Development Management service and created several new posts. We offer hybrid working arrangements with opportunities for remote and home working and can accommodate part- or full-time hours up to 36 hours per week.

For further information, please see details in our recruitment information pack below, and to apply, please visit myjobscotland.

Information for applicants 

Development Management Service update

Please note that due to a combination of an increase in applications / workload and staff absences / vacancies, the Council's Development Management is presently facing considerable work pressures.  Accordingly, decision and response timescales may be longer than we would like them to be.  Your understanding and patience is appreciated.

For further background, please see the reports to the Economy and Resources Committee setting out the independent review of the service, the resultant Action Plan to address the 17 recommendations made and the additional resourcing required.  The Committee agreed to all of the recommendations and these are in the process of being implemented.

New Planning and Building Warrant applications

Payment can be made either by the Scottish Government's eDevelopment portal or by the Pay it section on this site.

Payments by Cheque, Telephone or BACS will no longer be accepted.

There is a flat rate of £30 fee for any planning applications which require to be advertised in a local newspaper.

We will only be accepting new planning and building warrants or amended drawings via the Scottish Government's eDevelopment portal.

Representations to planning applications

We only accept representations electronically either via the ePlanning website or by emailing

Duty Officers

The Service offers a telephone Duty Service which is available by telephone between 10am and 12.30pm Tuesday and Thursday only. Please call 01387 260199. The Duty Officer will not be available outside of these times. A limited service is available and it best to contact us with your enquiry by email to or

A Duty Officer will not be available to be seen at the Council's reception without a pre-arranged appointment. A pre-booked appointment must be made prior to visiting the reception.

Short term lets

Guidance has been produced to advise on how the Planning Authority will determine if planning permission is required for a short term let.


    Page last updated: 03/07/2024
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