Community Councils

Community Council Ordinary Elections 2024

Community Councl Ordinary Elections for the return of all Community Councils across Dumfries and Galloway will take place on Thursday, 3 October 2024

Notices of Poll

Nomination Forms and Guidance

If you intend to stand as a Community Councillor for your area in the forthcoming Community Council Ordinary Elections (October 2024), a copy of the Nomination Form and Guidance can be found below:

Electoral Registration Number

If you do not know your ERO number this can be obtained by contacting us either by email at or by calling us on 030 33 33 3000 (and ask to speak to a member of the Community Council support team)   

The Close of Nominations is 5pm on Tuesday 3 September 2024.  No late nominations will be accepted.

This page contains general information on Community Councils, specific information for Community Councillors and those interested in getting involved can be found in the frequently asked questions section linked below.

What are Community Councils?

  • Community Councils are governed by the Scheme for the Establishment of  Community Councils in Dumfries and Galloway (the 'Scheme'). The Scheme sets out how Community Councils should operate including elections, membership rules and meeting arrangements. You can view the current scheme here: Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils
  • Community Councils are made up of local people from age 16 onwards, who are elected to support their local community through consultation. They are consulted by law on issues that are important to communities and are also requested to consult with their communities on issues important to them.   They also have the right to receive notification of planning and licensing applications relevant to their Community Council boundary.
  • Many Community Councils are involved in local projects and they may also administer external funding for their community, in particular from windfarms.
  • Community Councils meet at least 6 times per year and all meetings are open to the public who are encouraged to attend.  Community Councils are supported by Dumfries and Galloway Council who provide a wide variety of support including governance advice, financial support, resilience support, election support and free training.
  • Community Councils can provide support at local level and forward on any requests.  However, many services are now accessible online and members of the public can report issues, eg potholes, direct through Report It on the dumgal website,   There are also dedicated Ward Officers for each ward who can provide assistance. Details for each Ward Officer can be found here 

Access the link below to find details about Community Council's in your area:

Find your local Community Council

Frequently Asked Questions and Info

Contact us

Email               Community Council Mailbox

Telephone       DGC Call Centre 033 333 3000

How to make a Community Council business enquiry

The CCES provides a direct route for dealing with the vast and wide-ranging number of enquiries made by Community Councils. The benefits of the CCES include:

  • Enquiries are directed through a fair and transparent route to the most appropriate person for response
  • agreed timescales for a response are in place
  • measures are in place to monitor and continuously improve the quality of responses
  • the process ensures tighter control of the Council expenditure associated with enquiry handling

Community Councils should email their enquiry to

Community Council Update

Community Council Discretionary Grants
Each community council is eligible to receive from Dumfries and Galloway Council an annual discretionary grant which will take account of the population included in the community council's boundary. To ensure eligibility, each community council must adhere to the terms of Section 11.6 of the Scheme.

The discretionary grant can be used at the discretion of the community council to further their statutory purposes, role and responsibilities only and for no other purpose.

The level of grant funding remains the same as for the previous financial year and payment of the allowance will be made in accordance with a procedure determined by Dumfries and Galloway Council.

Claims will be considered on receipt of the following:

  • Evidence of a minimum of 6 meetings having been held throughout the previous financial year, including an AGM, for the avoidance of doubt an EGM would be in addition to this.
  • Satisfactory accounts for the previous financial year which have been certified by an Independent Examiner of Accounts and countersigned by the Chair and Treasurer.
  • Annual Monitoring Form (this can be found below).
  • BACS Form, if applicable (this can be found below).

Subject to eligibility and criteria having been met, the discretionary grant payment will be made by BACS transfer directly into the Community Council's bank account as soon as possible upon receipt of all the necessary paperwork.


Please submit your claim to by no later than 31 December 2023.

Insurance Cover for Community Councils

Public Liability Insurance for Community Councils

Dumfries and Galloway Council provides a 'blanket' public liability insurance scheme for all established community councils in Dumfries and Galloway. The current public liability insurance scheme covers 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2025 and the premium has been paid for 2024/2025.

Insurance papers have been issued by our insurance brokers (Keegan & Pennykid) and a copy can be found below.

Your cover includes public liability, libel and slander, professional indemnity, personal accident, employer's liability and trustee indemnity. In July 2013, the cover was extended to include community resilience activities. Volunteering and Resilience activities - under the terms of our current policy Community Councillors and Volunteers acting under the direction and supervision of the Community Council are covered for any activities being undertaken by a Community Council to assist those in need of a helping hand and would be viewed as coming under the umbrella of resilience activities;

Use of Private Vehicles - if individuals are using their own vehicles to undertake such activities, the current policy does NOT cover this activity.

It is for individual community councils to assure themselves over the level of cover that they have, and they must ensure they take out extra insurance cover for other activities not covered by the "blanket" policy such as gala days, switching on Christmas lights and grass-cutting.

The advice to community councils is that if they have any doubt as to the appropriateness of their insurance cover, they may decide to withdraw from the 'blanket' scheme and make arrangements for their own insurance. In this case the community council must contact us at

Community councils may approach the current public liability insurance provider, or any other insurance provider, with regard to their other insurance requirements. Contact details for the current insurance provider are:

Hazel Strachan, Commercial Insurance, Keegan & Pennykid (Insurance Brokers) Ltd Tel: 0131 225 6005 E-mail:






Moffat & District

Thornhill & District


For the most up to date information including guidance, examples of local good practice and funding sources, please find the latest Community Council Newsletter below:




Page last updated: 10/07/2024
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