Parent Councils

Parent Councils are set up by parents for parents in schools. Parent Councils work with all parent/Carers to help you be involved and engaged in the school and the education of your children.

The Education and Learning Directorate supports Parental Involvement and Engagement in response to the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement Act) 2006. Working with parents we have provided information below if you need support for your Parent Council or need to talk so someone about how you can become more involved, please contact the Education Department or the other partners listed below. 

Education and Learning DirectorateVanessa Morris, Officer with responsibility for Parental Involvement and EngagementEmail
National Parent Forum ScotlandMel McGill Regional Representative, Dumfries and Galloway Contact  Email
Dumfries and Galloway Parent Council Forum (DGPCF) 

Pam Shuttleworth Chair of DGPCF

Greg Black Co-Chair of DGPCF

(Independent local forum for parent council support)


This DropBox is full of resources to support Parent Councils, including a Handover Pack for new PC Chairs/role bearers, as well as agendas and minutes from all DGPCF meetings.

Connect ScotlandA membership organisation and charity for parents and carers with children at school. All Parent Council have automatic membership to connect. If you are unsure of your membership details please either contact Vanessa Morris or contact Connect ScotlandEmail


What is a Parent Council, How we work with you and who else can support:

The documents below will help you set up your own Parent Council:

Licences for Events

Many Parent Council's run raffles and for these events you should have a Small Society Lottery licence which is available from the Council.

Apply for a Small Society Lottery license >>

The Council will need to know of any change in contact details, so that they have the right person on record to send renewal letters to.

If you want to serve alcohol at a Parent Council event, you must have an Occasional Licence from the Council.

Apply for an Occasional License >>

Volunteering in Schools

Have your say

We would like to hear from you on what you are already doing, what works well, what could be better and how you would like to be involved in the future?

You can send any feedback or ideas for future engagement directly to:  Please ensure to include either Parent Voice or Open Forums as your email subject.

Page last updated: 29/08/2024
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