Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme

The Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme helps people on low income to secure private rented accommodation by offering landlords a written guarantee in place of a cash deposit.


The Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme is currently suspended and no longer taking new applications.

The scheme is delivered by the hub Dumfries and Galloway with funding from us.


Eligible applicants will be referred by us. To be referred you must:

  • be in housing need and on a low income
  • require accommodation in Dumfries and Galloway
  • have a local connection to Dumfries and Galloway

A visit will take place once a referral is made and a suitable tenancy is identified. The tenant and landlord will complete an agreement and inventory before the guarantee bond is in place and the tenancy commences.

The scheme covers

  • uninsured damage (beyond fair wear and tear) caused by the tenant, or the tenants household, at the property
  • theft by tenant, or the tenants' household, of uninsured items listed on the Scheme Inventory taken at the start of the tenancy
  • private tenancies in Dumfries and Galloway

If the tenancy continues beyond 12 months then it is the tenant's responsibility for any damage or losses and to meet any cash deposit required by the landlord.

The scheme doesn't cover

  • rent arrears
  • damage to communal areas and items that are covered by household contents or building insurance taken out by either the tenant or landlord
  • damage resulting from normal wear and tear to the furniture, fixtures and fittings
  • damage to any items not on the agreed inventory would not be covered either

Further information

Call your nearest Housing Options & Homeless Service office between 9am to 5pm on weekdays:

  • Annan: 01461 207019
  • Dumfries: 01387 260783
  • Kirkcudbright: 01557 332234
  • Stranraer: 01776 888312
Page last updated: 31/01/2024
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