Change in Banking Services

Following a recent procurement exercise, our Council is changing banking providers. This means that all Council bank accounts will transfer from Bank of Scotland to the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

We will be writing to all customers on how this transfer will affect their payment process going forward. These letters/emails will be sent out from mid-February highlighting the changes that you are required to make.

For all Council Tax and Non Domestic Rate payers, information on these changes will be included with the 2023/24 billing information. If you currently pay by direct debit, your direct debit will transfer automatically and no further action from you is required.

One of the easiest ways to pay for Council Services is via our council website:

All payments made through the website will automatically be made to the updated bank details.

Further information

If you have any further queries, please call our Contact Centre on: 030 33 33 3000 or email

Page last updated: 14/02/2023
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