Consultation on developing a new Gaelic Language Plan 2022-2027

Dumfries and Galloway Council is consulting on the development of a new Gaelic Language Plan as required through the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005.

The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 was passed by the Scottish Parliament with a view to securing the status of the Gaelic language as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language.

One of the key features of the 2005 Act is the provision enabling Bòrd na Gàidhlig to require a public authority to prepare a Gaelic Language plan. This provision was designed to ensure that the public sector in Scotland plays its part in creating a sustainable future for Gaelic by raising the status and profile of the language and creating practical opportunities for its use.

The draft plan describes how Dumfries ad Galloway Council will integrate the key over-archingprinciples covering:

  • Equal respect
  • An Active offer
  • The long-term vision Gaelic within our local authority
  • The new strategic commitments in the plan and in support of the National Gaelic Language Plan 2018-23

The plan also details how Dumfries and Galloway Council will adopt and integrate the strategic aims of:

  •  Increasing the use of Gaelic
  • Increasing the learning of Gaelic
  •  Promoting a positive image of Gaelic

Our draft new plan is available to view here with the consultation open from Wednesday 15 September - Friday 29 October 2021.

You can complete a response via our online survey here:

What we'll do with the feedback received?

Any Feedback received will be used to shape the final draft plan which will be presented to Council Elected Members in December prior to being submitted to Bòrd na Gàidhlig for final consideration. The key messages from the consultation will also be included as part of the new plan.

A' leasachadh Plana na Gàidhig - 2022-2027

Tha Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-ghàidhealaibh a' cur comhairle mu leasachadh Plana na Gàidhlig mar a dh' fheumadh fo Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005.

Chaidh Achd na Gàidhlig (Alba) 2005 aontachadh le Pàrlamaid na h-Alba airson inbhe na Gàidhlig mar chànan oifigeil na h-Alba le spèis co-ionann ri Beurla a dhèanamh cinnteach.

'S e fear de prìomh fheartan na h-Achd 2005 a th' anns a' cumha a nì comasach air Bòrd na Gàidhlig a dh'iarr air ùghdarras poblach Plana na Gàidhlig ullachadh. Chaidh a' chumha seo a dhealbhachadh ri dhèanamh cinnteach gun gabh an earrann phoblach ann an Alba pàirt ann a' cruthachadh àm ri teachd seasmhach airson na Gàidhlig agus ag àrdachadh inbhe agus pròifil a' chànain agus a' cruthachadh chothroman pragtaigeach ga cleachdadh.

Tha dreachd a' phlana a' toirt cunntas air mar a dh' amalaicheas Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-ghàidhealaibh na prìomh phrionnsabalan tar-ruigheach mar a leanas:

  • Spèis co-ionann
  • Cothroman follaiseach
  • Lèirsinn airson na Gàidhlig san fhad-ùine taobh a-staigh ar n-ùghdarrais
  • Dealasan ro-innleachdail ùra a' phlana  agus a bheir taic gu Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2018-23

Tha am plana cuideachd a' toirt cunntas air mar a  ghabhas ri agus a dh' amalaicheas Comhairle Dhùn Phrìs is Gall-ghàidhealaibh na amasan ro-innleachdail a leanas:

  • Barrachd chleachdadh na Gàidhlig
  • Barrachd ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig
  • A' brosnachadh deagh ìomhaigh na Gàidhlig

Tha dreachd a' phlana ùire againn ri fhaicinn ri làimh an seo agus an co-chomhairleachadh fosgailte bho Diciadain 15 an t-Sultain - Dihaoine 29 an Dàmhair 2021.

'S urrainnear freagairt a choileanadh tron t-suirbhidh air loidhne againn an seo:

Dè nì sinn leis an ais-mholadh a gheibh sinn? 

Cleachdar Ais-mholadh sam bith a gheibhear airson cumadh a thoirt air dreachd mu dheireadh a' phlana, na thèidh air beulaibh Buill Taghte a' Chomhairle san Dùbhlachd mus cuirear gu Bòrd na Gàidhlig e airson beachdachadh deireannach. Gabhar prìomh theachdaireachdan a' cho-chomhairleachaidh a-steach ann mar phàirt a' phlana ùire. 

Page last updated: 24/06/2022
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