Making a complaint

We are committed to providing high-quality customer services. We value complaints and may use the learning from the information given when we review service standards in the future.

The first step is usually to speak to someone from the service you are unhappy with. There are a number of ways you can direct your enquiries or requests to the relevant service.

You can report common issues online  (such as potholes, missed bins or broken street lights) or you could:

Make a complaint

We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on our behalf.

If something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied with our services, please tell us.

Normally, you must make your complaint within six months of the event you want to complaint about. In special circumstances, we may be able to accept a complaint after the time limit. If you feel that the time limit should not apply to your complaint, please tell us why.

Make a complaint online

You can also:

  • Email
  • Call 01387 260467
  • Write to Freepost RTHK-RAGT-KTHT, Information Governance Team, Council Headquarters, English Street, Dumfries, DG1 2DD

You will need to provide:

  • your full name and contact details
  • how you would like us to contact you
  • as much as you can about the complaint
  • what has gone wrong; and
  • what outcome you are seeking

You can complain anonymously but we won't be able to respond to you directly about your complaint without your contact details.

If you have specific needs, please tell us about your requirements and we will make reasonable adjustments where possible. For example, we welcome enquiries and complaints in all languages and can provide access to telephone interpretation support through Language Line Solutions. 

You can request our leaflets in other formats such as large print or Braille by contacting 030 33 33 3000. British Sign Language (BSL) users can contact us by using Contact Scotland (the online British Sign Language interpreting video relay service).

Getting help to make your complaint

We understand that you may be unable or reluctant to make a complaint yourself. We accept complaints from the representative of a person who is dissatisfied with our service. We can take complaints from a friend, relative, or an advocate, if you have given them your consent to complain for you.

If you are making a complaint on behalf of someone, please ask the person you are making the complaint on behalf of to complete the Complaint Mandate Form and provide a copy of it with your complaint submission. This allows us to ensure that the person you are making the complaint on behalf of has given their permission for us to discuss their information with you.

You can find an advocate at Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service. You can visit their website:

You can find out about advisers in your area through Citizens Advice Bureau. You can visit their website:

What happens next

We will always try to respond to your complaint quickly, within 5 working days or less, if we can. Most complaints are resolved at this stage but if you are still unhappy there are further steps you can take.

Page last updated: 17/06/2024
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