Maximum taxi fares

We are responsible for fixing maximum taxi fares across the region. Drivers and taxi firms are free to charge less than these rates or offer discounts.


Mileage is calculated from the location of the vehicle when the hire is made to the customer destination. For journeys of up to one and a half miles the maximum charge is £5.50. For each subsequent half-mile or uncompleted part thereof an additional £1.00 may be charged.

Unsocial hours

A premium of £1.00 per hire may be charged for all hirings commenced between midnight and 06.00 hours.

Christmas and New Year holidays

For all hires commenced between 17.00 on 24th and 06.00 on 27th December and 17.00 on 31st December and 06.00 on 3rd January in each year, the operator may charge such premium as may, prior to the acceptance of the hire, be proposed by the driver and agreed by the hirer.

Waiting time

A charge of 40p may be made for each period of 2 minutes waiting time or uncompleted part thereof.

Soiling of vehicles

A charge of up to £100 may be made for any 'soiling' by a hirer which necessitates the taxi being removed from service for cleaning. NB Taxi Drivers are requested to consider not imposing a charge where any form of soiling has occurred due to a genuine medical condition.

Pre-booked hire

For the avoidance of doubt, where the vehicle is pre-booked rather than hailed in a public place, a higher fare may be charged if, prior to the acceptance of the hire, this was proposed to and accepted by the hirer.

Page last updated: 30/10/2023
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