Parental Partners (Local and National Support)

Why Collaborate and Co-create?

Engaging parents is the only intervention around narrowing the gap in achievement between children from different backgrounds which had a strong enough evidence base to warrant further investment and work (Goodall, 2017).

Parents have creative ideas about school education and what can be done to improve the standards and quality of their child's learning.

Collaborative approaches in partnership with parents and the wider learning community can make a positive contribution to how nurseries/ schools/local authorities determine their ambitions/priorities and plan improvements to meet these.

(Source: Education Scotland 2018).

Parental Involvement and Engagement: When parents take a supportive role in their child's education there is a positive impact on children's achievements. Dumfries and Galloway Council, Education and Learning Directorate has developed a Parental Involvement and Engagement (PIE) Strategy 2023-2026 which can be found at www.

However, there are a number of key Partners who support Parents both locally and nationally.

This is not an exhaustive list but will help you as a parent make the connections.

Key Partners

Dumfries and Galloway Parent Council Forum (DGPCF)

DGPCF is an independent non-political group trying to provide an open, honest, and effective representative voice for all Parent Councils across Dumfries & Galloway to constructively, and proactively influence policy and the strategic delivery of education; to amplify the parent voice. As a member of a Parent Council, you are automatically counted as a member of DGPCF. There is no cost to joining this group and as Chair you will be contacted by email with information throughout the school year as one of the fundamental aims of this group is to enhance two-way communication between the local authority and parents. Members of this group are now parent representatives on the Council's Education and Learning Committee, and they have worked with the local authority on working groups as part of shaping consultation, policy, and service reviews. DGPCF currently meets once a term but is always available for support or advice for your Parent Council.

Connect Scotland

A membership organisation and charity for parents and carers with children at school. Connect Scotland is there for every parent who needs advice or information about anything around education and specifically in Dumfries and Galloway we have group membership for all Parent Councils. Contact via email, the website, Facebook or Twitter. Connect Scotland are our authority provider for insurance for Parent Councils and they also offer free online Information sessions. Connect Scotland have a vast collection of support materials and templates that offer support for new or well-established Parent Councils. For more information:

The Parents Inclusion Network (PIN)

A group of parents and carers who all have sons and daughters with a disability - children of all ages and adults with all types of disabilities. PIN believes the solution is simple - just bring people together. This informal connection of parents and carers, who share a similar experience and really do understand where each other is coming from, can offer invaluable support. And this can make a world of difference. Their members are from varying backgrounds with a wide range of disabilities and ages. They welcome any family whether or not you have had a diagnosis and there is no age limit. Please be aware that you have to become a member of PIN before taking up any of their events that are all free.

You can contact them via their website at Parents Inclusion Network

Key National Partners

National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS)

NPFS represents all parents across Scotland. The forum works in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and child wellbeing issues to ensure that parents play a full and equal role in education. For Parents they offer, opportunities to be a part of focus groups, surveys, share information about the latest educational developments, support local parents' councils and provide parent friendly information through the "in a nutshell" series of information leaflets and links.

Visit the website at National Parent Forum of Scotland ( for more information and sign up to updates. You can also follow on NPFS on Facebook and Twitter.

Parentzone Scotland

A website for parents giving information about education in Scotland and ideas to help parents support their children's learning. They have information for parents about topics and subjects across the curriculum, additional support, and information about getting involved in your child's learning by sharing best practice from schools across Scotland. Subscribe to their newsletter for information and events Parentzone Scotland | Parent Zone (

Parent Club Scotland

Parent Club, a Scottish Government initiative, speaks to parents in a supportive, non-judgemental way, using peer-to-peer content and a community feel. From bedtime battles to teatime tantrums, parents can get tips and reassurance from those who have done it all before.

With support from pre-birth, right up to the teenage years, the site has information on the Baby Box Scheme, Early Learning and Childcare Entitlement as well as advice on Healthy Eating and Mental Well-being, where to go for Financial Support and much more. Visit the Parent Club - For Baby Box And All Your Parenting Needs for more information.

Parenting across Scotland

Parenting across Scotland provides support for parents and families through our information service and partners' helplines. We find out what matters to parents and families and what they need and get this across to politicians. We also share research, policy and good practice with people who work with families. Visit Parenting across Scotland: supporting parents and families in Scotland for more information.

Education and Learning Directorate/ Telephone: 30 33 33 3000


Page last updated: 09/03/2023
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