How many free Early learning and Childcare hours you are entitled to

In Dumfries and Galloway children can access up to 1140 hours per year depending on your child's start date. You will be able to access funded Early Learning and Childcare at a provider of your choice depending on availability.

You can take the hours over term time (38 weeks per year), or all year round. The maximum hours available in most school nurseries per week is 30 hours.

  • Children can access no more than 10 funded hours in any one day.
  • All children accessing funded hours over lunch time may receive a free meal.

Most children start school between 4 years 6 months and 5 years old but it's possible to start children later in certain circumstances. These children may be entitled to an extra year of funded early learning and childcare. Children who turn 5 between the start of the school year in August to the last day in February are automatically entitled to defer entry and receive an extra year of funded Early Learning and Childcare.


Page last updated: 23/01/2023
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