CLD Partners Strategic Plan
We have a statutory duty through the CLD (Scotland) Regulations 2013 to produce a plan with our partners every 3 years which sets out how the region's Community Learning and Development provision will be secured.
Our Council's Communities Committee agreed an Interim CLD Plan for 2024/25 at its meeting held on 4 June 2024 and this was further endorsed by the Community Planning Partnership Board on 7 June 2024. Within the revised guidance for developing CLD Plans as published by Scottish Government, further scoping and consultation activity will take place during late 2024 and early 2025 with a view to producing a fuller developed plan by September 2025.
In January 2024, Dumfries and Galloway received an Education Scotland CLD Progress Visit which was co-ordinated through the CLD Partnership. The visit was very well received with three areas of best practice being identified for sharing nationally. Improvement actions have been integrated into our Interim CLD Plan. The full report can be found here:
Evidence Reports
CLD Partners' Strategic Plan 2021-2024
Our existing Plan was agreed at the Council's Communities Committee on the 5 October 2021 and was subsequently endorsed by the Community Planning Partnership Board on 12 November 2021.
Agenda for Communities Committee on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, 10.30 am ( (Item 15)
The final version of our Plan and the accompanying 3-year action plan is available to view below. In order to take into account the continuing challenges facing our communities, the 3-year action plan will be a flexible document with amendments being made on a regular basis, as may be required, to reflect any new emerging priorities and positive action that may need to be taken by CLD Partners in partnership with our communities.
A high-level summary of the feedback from the consultation exercise undertaken in relation to the development of the new plan is available to view here:
If you want to find out more about Community Learning & Development then please watch our short animated video available here:
Statutory context
The Government's National Performance Framework sets out the strategic objectives for all public services, including those delivering CLD. Within this, CLD's specific focus should be:
- Improved life chances for people of all ages, including young people in particular, through learning, personal development and active citizenship.
- Stronger, more resilient, supportive, influential and inclusive communities
The CLD Partners' Strategic Plan affects all partners, groups and organisations involved in areas such as:
- community development (building the capacity of communities to meet their own needs, engaging with and influencing decision makers);
- youth work, family learning and other early intervention work with children, young people and families;
- community-based adult learning, including adult literacies and English for speakers of other languages (ESOL);
- volunteer development;
- learning for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the community, for example, people with disabilities, care leavers or offenders;
- learning support and guidance in the community.
Our existing arrangements were inspected by Education Scotland in late 2017 and a very positive outcome was achieved as can be viewed through the following link:
Our new Plan - Vision and Themes
"CLD is at the heart of our Covid recovery with partners working with our communities to help increase life chances for our most vulnerable people, develop healthy and vibrant communities; and ensure a fairer, more equitable society for all."
Priority Themes
- Children & Young People - Attainment & Achievement
- Learning, Skills & Employability
- Inclusion & Equalities
- Health & Wellbeing
- Community Development, Empowerment & Renewal
- Climate Change
Enabling Themes
- Workforce Development
- Governance & Quality Assurance
- Volunteering
- Digital
Delivery and Implementation
The development and delivery of the plan in Dumfries and Galloway is co-ordinated through a CLD Partnership which is made up of the following key partners:
- Dumfries & Galloway Council
- Dumfries & Galloway College
- Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway
- NHS Public Health
- Health & Social Care - Community Development
- Skills Development Scotland
- Department for Work & Pensions
- Social Security Scotland
- DG Voice
- LGBT Youth
- Children's Hearings Scotland
This Partnership leads on the implementation and monitoring of the key objectives and actions outlined withing the plan with a particular emphasis on:
- engaging with and listening to our communities
- understanding the needs of individuals and communities
- maximising people's assets and skills
- co-ordination of partner resources to support individuals and communities
- sharing and rolling out best practice in CLD
Further information
Previous versions of our plan
You can also contact us to find out more:
- Email