Financial Strategy

The Council's Financial Strategy provides high level financial projections, supported by clear assumptions, to inform the development of the Council's medium term financial and service plans.

The strategy enables the Council to develop a better understanding of the wider policy and financial environment which it operates. It will help us to identify and respond flexibly to opportunities and threats, manage and mitigate risks and ensure that financial resources are contributing to achieving the corporate objectives.


It is intended that progress against the delivery of agreed savings will be regularly monitored through a transformation board

The following themes have been identified to transform how the Council delivers services and close the budget gap in future years:

  • Sustained focus of resources on our Council Plan priorities
  • Transform our customer experience and improve our digital offer
  • Modernise how we deliver some services to meet our outcomes
  • Maximise use of fewer assets, working with and within communities
  • Develop a smaller more flexibly skilled workforce for the future
  • Maximising our income and underpinning fairness through targeted concessions

This strategy was agreed by Dumfries and Galloway Council on 26 September 2017. An update on the assumptions was approved by Dumfries and Galloway Council on 29 March 2018.

More information

To find out more about the Financial Strategy:

Page last updated: 09/01/2019
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