Feedback on local cycling infrastructure

We use feedback from people using our local cycling network to help us identify problems and make decisions on possible improvements.

We've started monitoring Cyclescape to assess demand for cycling infrastructure across the region. The site allows you to raise issues across the UK and we check for any issues raised in Dumfries and Galloway.

You can use the site to highlight and discuss the need for things like:

  • drop kerbs and wheeling ramps on steps
  • signage or bollards and barriers
  • access to existing off road cycle routes or new off road cycle routes
  • cycle lanes or shared use facilities on roads and footway

We're intending to use the information we gather to help us meet objectives of our Active Travel Strategy. Your feedback will allow us to:

  • identify priorities for investment (short, medium and long term)
  • support funding applications to external bodies such as Sustrans
  • create a database of potential improvement schemes

It might be possible for us to quickly deal with requests for some minor works. We're already looking to provide some dropped kerbs that were highlighted via Cyclescape.

Report an issue

It's easy to register for Cyclescape using your name and email address. You can then use the map system to pinpoint a location and begin a discussion thread.

Create an issue

You'll need to provide:

  • the location of an issue
  • a brief description of the problem

Don't use Cyclescape for repairs or maintenance issues with existing infrastructure, our fault reporting system should be used to report defects like potholes.

What happens next

Cyclescape is an open forum for communities to discuss ideas and will help to make us aware of issues but we don't intend to respond directly. We will usually check the site once a week to identify new issues and monitor existing issues.

Email or call 01387 260133 if you need further information on local cycling infrastructure or specific issues.

Page last updated: 02/09/2019
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